26 nov. 2012

DOWNLOAD Postgis 2.0.1 for posgres 9.1 installer

What Is PostGIS?

PostGIS is an open source, freely available, and fairly OGC compliant spatial database extender for the PostgreSQL Database Management System. In a nutshell it adds spatial functions such as distance, area, union, intersection, and specialty geometry data types to the database. PostGIS is very similar in functionality to SQL Server 2008 Spatial support, ESRI ArcSDE, Oracle Spatial, and DB2 spatial extender. The latest release version now comes packaged with the PostgreSQL DBMS installs as an optional add-on. As of this writing PostGIS 2.0.0 is the latest stable release.

PostGIS Installers

PostGIS 2.0.1 is officially out
  1. Téléchargement
    Vous pouvez télécharger l'installeur de Postgis soit l'assistant "Stack builder" soit sur le site de Postgis.   
  2. Installation
    L'installateur se lance tout seul si Postgis a été téléchargé avec l'assistant.


    Choisir les composants

    Décocher la création d'une base spatiale.

    Choisir l'emplacement de Postgresql

    Choisir l'emplacement de Postgresql

    Remplir les éléments de connections à Postgresql et cliquer sur "Next".

    Installation en cours

    A la question suivante, répondre "oui" mais ça a peu d'importance.

    Installation terminée

    Cliquer sur "Close".
  3. Test
    Ouvrir pgAdmin III et dans votre serveur il doit ce trouver une base 'template_postgis_20'.

download postgis 2.0.1

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Satisfied with this publication and you find it useful!! thanks for making a donation by clicking one or two of the ads thank you 

download Free Spatial Data

Country level

Download country level data for any country in the world: administrative boundaries, roads, railroads, altitude, land cover, population density.

Global level

A new file with the (2011) global country boundaries

Global climate data

See WorldClim or diva-gis specific data here

Species occurrence data

Crop (genebank) collection data

Near global 90 meter resolution elevation data

High resolution satellite images (LandSat)

for nearly all of the world can be downloaded here. They are in the MrSid format that can be visualized in DIVA-GIS (note: they are in UTM projections, so you will need to project your shapefiles to UTM as well).

A very good list

of data sources from the Eden project.

Source (www.diva-gis.org)

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19 nov. 2012

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Erdas Imagine 2011 free download

ERDAS IMAGINE, the world’s leading geospatial data authoring system, incorporates geospatial image processing and analysis, remote sensing and GIS capabilities into a powerful, convenient package.  It enables you to easily create value-added products such as 2D images, orthophoto mosaics, landcover classification, 3D flythrough movies, vectors derived from imagery, and cartographic-quality map compositions from geospatial data.
ERDAS IMAGINE is available in three product tiers to scale with your geospatial data production needs.
  • IMAGINE Essentials is the entry-level image processing product for map creation and simple feature collection tools. IMAGINE Essentials enables serial batch processing.
  • IMAGINE Advantage includes all the capabilities of IMAGINE Essentials. In addition, it provides advanced spectral processing, image registration, mosaicking and image analysis, and change detection capabilities. IMAGINE Advantage enables parallel batch processing for accelerated output.
  • IMAGINE Professional includes all the capabilities of IMAGINE Advantage. In addition, it provides a production toolset for advanced spectral, hyperspectral, and radar processing, as well as spatial modeling. Includes ERDAS ER Mapper

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